Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Psychological Profile of Elvis Presley

Analysis of Elvis Presley Deborah Cantin Colorado Technical University Partially Resubmitted From Phases 1, 2, 3, 4 IPs Abstract This paper covers a brief biographical and psychological profile that explores the subject’s childhood, work, personal life, lifetime accomplishments, and philosophy. In addition, I will discuss his inner perspectives using the Cognitive Perspective to describe the two aspects of Mr. Presley’s behavior. I will also discuss his MBTI ® Type along with examples to explain my interpretation. His Psychosocial developmental stages examined through his Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, and Adult hood. We examine these stages using Erick Erickson’s work. His youth compared to Kohlberg’s work on Moral Reasoning†¦show more content†¦Elvis loved his Graceland home. His gravesite located in the Meditation Garden on Graceland’s grounds. The Meditation Garden is fitting for the King’s final resting place. It is here that Elvis loved to meditate and contemplate his spiritual side. Graceland draws millions of tourists each year from all over the World. Elvis’ beliefs demonstrated that he loved people. He gave expensive gifts to his staff and loved ones, such as cars and homes. His spiritual beliefs stayed with him throughout his life. Elvis constantly searched, for the meaning of life and truth. This quest for knowledge inspired him to read several books, and earnestly seek out spiritual mentors. Gospel music played a large role in developing Elvis’ passion for music and spirituality. Every rehearsal session began and ended with a Gospel song or two. â€Å"Cognitive Psychology revolves around the notion that if we need to know what makes people tick; then figure out which processes are going on in their minds. Psychologist theorized, from this study, that cognition is a mental act or process by which information exists, (McLeod, 2012). Erik Erickson believed that people develop in the context of their environments, with the forces of society exerting strong influences on the social world of people in all pla ces of the development, (Board, 2012, pp. 95, 96). The psychobiography of Elvis directly relates to the different stages of Erickson’s cognitive theory, which includes distinct stages likeShow MoreRelatedBrand and Pepsi3309 Words   |  14 Pageschoose to consume a Pepsi beverage instead which indicates their satisfaction is fulfilled by a want for this particular beverage. 3.1 Motivation Pepsi appeals to two types of needs within a consumer. The first is the biogenic need which is the psychological utilitarian need of thirst which can be seen as the lowest level of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs (Fig 2). Pepsi however seeks to satisfy the higher level needs such as hedonic needs, ego needs and self actualization. Therefore Pepsi understandsRead MoreHippies and the Revolution of a Culture3124 Words   |  13 Pagesindividual consciousness. The immediate precursor to the hippies was the so-called Beat Generation of the late 1950s, including the poet Allen Ginsberg, who became a hippie hero. But where the coolly intellectual, black-clad beats tended to keep a low profile and stay out of politics, the hippies were known as much for their political outspokenness as for their long hair and colorful psychedelic clothing. Their opposition to the Vietnam War became one of the most significant aspects of the growing antiwarRead MoreComment on How Changes in Macro and Market En vironment Forces Impact on the Level of Competition in an Industry.18606 Words   |  75 Pageswholesale distribution of cigarettes in Italy. AAMS was protecting its own sales by imposing restrictive distribution contracts on foreign manufacturers, which limited the access of foreign cigarettes to the Italian market.4 However, the most high-proï ¬ le case is that against Microsoft, which was ï ¬ ned  £340 million for its alleged misuse of its near monopoly in operating systems to squeeze out rivals by bundling Media Player into the Windows operating system.5 This was Abuse of market dominance

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